Sunday, October 27, 2019

Roasted Delicata Squash

It's funny I've barely mentioned delicata squash in prior posts since I eat it a fair amount in Fall and Winter. I make it a lot more than butternut squash, both because I like the flavor better and it's much easier to prepare with tasty results. No peeling necessary! Butternut squash is more versatile and lends itself well to soups, risotto and pasta dishes, so it has an important place in the winter squash arena. Delicata makes a nice, simple side dish, and is typically a crowd pleaser. This is barely a recipe, it's so simple, but it's worth putting here.

I'll do this as a recipe for a side dish serving 4-6 people, but make more or make less. I have one small one roasting in the oven right now to add to my lunch salads this week.

Roasted Delicata Squash
2 medium sized delicata squash
olive oil (about a tablespoon or less)

1. Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees.
2. Slice off ends of the squashes, then cut them lengthwise down the middle. You can do this either by standing it on its end and cutting downward, or laying it down on the cutting board and stabbing your knife in the middle of it.
3. Scoop out seeds by running a spoon down the middle of each half.
4. Cut into half moons about a 1/4 inch wide. You can make them thinner or fatter, just make sure they're consistent.
5. Place on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil. Toss with your hands. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top. (With oil I find you want to drizzle a bit sparingly when roasting vegetables. Enough so the vegetables are glistening, but not so that there's a lot left dripping in the pan.)
6. Place in 425 degree oven for around 20-25 minutes , flipping them after about 10-15. You want them to be a bit burned. It makes them even tastier. You'll have to decide how dark you like them. It's a bit of personal preference.

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